Dreamchaser #3241


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Printed Size: 17 x 11” and 26″ x 17″

What are dreams? Are they simply random firing of our brains as we are in the process of sleeping or waking up? Are they signs of our deeper desires, or absences in life? Or maybe they are moments when we connect to our higher self, our consciousness, our soul. Most of us are not able to remember our dreams, not in detail at least, but we usually wake up with feelings, flashes, that can remain with us for long, even effect our mood and our behaviour for a long time. In this series, the artist is using nature in an attempt to put a face to his dreams. As with all his work, it is a very instinctive process, with neither a beginning nor an end. He tries to tap his subconscious, letting it surface and manifesting itself in the form of images, which once again, like the dreams themselves, are completely open to interpretation. The work itself then takes on a life-form of its own, as it interacts with the viewers’ own subconscious, triggering memories and emotions through their interpretations. The series purposefully takes inspiration from surrealist, expressionist and psychedelic art, in order to create impossible landscapes. The use of such concepts as mirroring and repetition triggers associations in the mind, similar to Rorschach (inkblot) tests popular in 20th-century psychoanalysis.